Certainty Blog

The HACCP Plan: How it Can Help Reduce Food Safety Risk

Food safety is a top priority for organizations. As noted by the CDC, more than 48 million Americans get sick each year due to foodborne illness, and over 120,000 are hospitalized. The agency also points out that challenges around food safety will continue to evolve thanks to changes in food production processes, supply chain options, […]

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ESG Investing

ESG Investing: Benefits and Implications for Businesses

Sustainable businesses are now driving investment. As noted by Bloomberg, assets under management (AUM) tied to companies with superior environmental, social and governance (ESG) practices in place are on track to reach $53 trillion by 2025, which represents one-third of AUM worldwide. But what exactly are ESG and ESG Investing? Why does it matter to […]

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Near Miss BI Dashboard

Incident Reporting: A Key Component of an Effective Safety Management Program

No workplace is perfectly safe. Despite best efforts, incidents happen — machines may experience sudden failures or staff may unintentionally expose themselves or others to risk. Consider recent data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), which found that private industry employers reported 2.7 million nonfatal workplace injuries and illnesses in 2020. While the […]

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Kaizen for Continuous Improvement

Kaizen for Continuous Improvement: How it Works

More efficient businesses are more profitable. If employees are not wasting time on redundant, cumbersome, or complex processes, they’re better able to perform their jobs and ensure production targets are met. The challenge? Creating efficient operations isn’t a one-and-done process. Instead, companies need a continuous improvement approach that prioritizes ongoing evaluation to drive sustained success. […]

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Food safety inspections

Food Safety Handling: Taking a Bite Out of Operational Risk

It’s one thing for food to taste bad, it’s another for it to make you feel bad. According to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), however, 47.8 million Americans fall ill with foodborne illnesses each year — of those, over 125,000 are hospitalized, and more than 3,000 die. Put simply, food safety handling matters. […]

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Safety observation

5 Tips to Improve Safety Observations and Reduce Workplace Risk

Unsafe processes and workspace pose a serious risk for workers and can lead to significant impacts on overall production performance. Consider recent safety data from the National Safety Council, which found that in 2020, more than 1.2 million workers suffered workplace injuries or illnesses related to their job that required time off from work. The message […]

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supply chain disruption

Supply Chain Disruptions: What They Are — And How to Avoid Them

Global Supply chain disruptions and supply shortages are expected to persist through the remainder of 2022, with forecasts saying they may persist into the following year — even as global economies see substantial recovery and consumer demands for the speedy delivery of goods and services continue to rise. But what exactly are supply chain disruptions? What impacts […]

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Qualitative & Quantitative Risk Assessments

Improving Operational Quality: The Role of Qualitative Risk Assessment

Risks are naturally associated with manufacturing and industrial operations. In 2020 alone, private industry employers reported 2.7 million nonfatal workplace injuries, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. As a result, it’s in a company’s best interest to mitigate risks — and their potentially negative outcomes — wherever possible. To accomplish this goal, organizations […]

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Toolbox Talks

Toolbox Talks: A Great Tool to Improve Job Site Safety

What is a Toolbox Talk? Tool Box Talks are brief and informal safety meetings that take place on the job site and include all parties working collectively within the environment from general employees to management. Held prior to the start of job shifts, toolbox talk topics discuss identification, prevention, and first aid response to hazards […]

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What is 6S Lean — and How Can It Improve Your Operations?

What is 6S Lean — and How Can It Improve Your Operations?

Table of contents To manage supply chain challenges and ensure regulatory compliance, lean manufacturing has become commonplace for organizations. The approach isn’t new — American industrialists of the early 20th century employed lean processes that focused on reducing waste and improving efficiency as a way to increase overall value. The original 5S methodology, meanwhile, emerged as […]

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