Improve Performance and Sustainability with Certainty Software

An enterprise-level inspection software solution

Inspection software to easily collect and report inspection data and resolve issues identified. Now with enhanced AI features that significantly improve the efficiency of your audits and inspections; increase the accuracy of data collected and supercharge the data analytics; Certainty ensures compliance, reduces risk, and improves performance with user-friendly forms, real-time reports, and complete action management.

Collect, track, and report accurate, powerful, and predictive data to provide detailed business insights that will empower your team to improve performance and business sustainability. Now with our additional feature options of AI Vision, AI Insight, and AI Analytics, Certainty provides confidence scores for audit and inspection data collected and enhanced data analysis including:

  • Risk summaries that identify high-priority risks across your business by category, location, and even employee;
  • Predictive analytics that highlights potential accidents, incidents, issues, risks, and failures before they happen;
  • Anomaly detection to identify data that is potentially incorrect; and,
  • Variability assessments to highlight data that is likely the result of ‘pencil whipping’.
International Paper


Collect accurate, consistent, and comparable safety inspection data

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Collect accurate, report, and manage quality audit data with ease 

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Supply Chain

Collect consistent, comparable supplier audit data across your supply chain

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Give your team the tools they want to easily collect consistent, comparable ESG data

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Inspection software to easily collect data across your business

Collect data wherever you are – online, offline, in the field, or on the shop floor – and complete audits and inspections with ease and precision. Now, with our additional feature AI Vision, analyze photos and document attachments to answer audit and inspection questions automatically, increase the accuracy of your data, and speed the audit/inspection process.

inspection software

Report consistent, comparable, and accurate performance metrics

Company-wide performance reports, how you need them, and in real-time. AI Insights and AI Analytics provide data confidence scores, enterprise-wide risk summaries, predictive analytics, anomaly detection, and data variability assessments to improve decision-making, reduce risk, and improve performance.

Manage issues, risks, and non-conformances by creating and delegating actions. Implement corrective and preventative actions sooner and in the best possible priority with AI Analytics.

Resolve issues identified easily and on-the-go

Manage issues, risks, and non-conformances by creating and delegating actions.

inspection software