Certainty Blog

Tailoring Safety Training for Multilingual and Multicultural Workforces

As work environments become increasingly global, the diversity of the workforce grows, bringing a rich mix of languages, cultures, and experiences. According to a study by McKinsey, companies in the top quartile for racial and ethnic diversity are 35% more likely to outperform their competitors. However, this diversity also presents unique challenges in safety management. […]

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Understanding FSMA 204 Compliance and Its Impact on Food Safety

Ensuring food safety is critical in today’s complex food supply chain. FSMA 204, a key regulation under the FDA’s Food Safety Modernization Act, enhances traceability to quickly identify contamination sources. This post explores the importance of FSMA 204, its benefits for consumers and businesses, and the severe risks of non-compliance. Learn how to safeguard public health and streamline your compliance efforts with effective traceability systems. […]

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Audit vs. Inspection: Learn Their Key Differences

Explore the crucial differences between audits and inspections in our latest post. Understand how each plays a distinct role in enhancing management system integrity, from strategic audits that align with broad objectives to detailed inspections focused on immediate compliance and safety. […]

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10 Workplace Electrical Safety Tips Every Safety Manager Should Know

Safety managers play a pivotal role in mitigating electrical risks in the workplace. This article explores 10 critical electrical safety tips that every safety manager should implement to ensure a safe working environment, prevent accidents, and foster a culture of safety that goes beyond compliance. From understanding the risks in various work settings to adopting comprehensive safety standards, these tips are indispensable for safeguarding employees against electrical hazards. […]

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How to Make an Audit and Inspection Checklist in Microsoft Excel

Businesses that perform regular internal audits and inspections often rely on checklists to cover their processes. Using Excel for checklists can streamline the data collection process, resulting in easy-to-follow lists that save time and maintain accuracy. This step-by-step guide will help you create audit checklists in Excel from scratch. […]

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EU Passes Nature Restoration Law: A Milestone for Biodiversity and Climate Action

The European Union has made history by passing a landmark law to restore and protect nature across its land and sea areas. The Nature Restoration Law, which was approved by the European Parliament on February 27, 2024, is the first continent-wide, comprehensive law of its kind. It is a key element of the EU Biodiversity Strategy, which aims to halt and reverse the loss of biodiversity and ecosystem services by 2030. […]

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What to Include in Incident Reporting

An incident report is a document that records any workplace incident, whether that be an event, situation, or condition that causes or could cause injury, damage, or disruption to an organization’s operations. Incident reports are essential for ensuring a safe working environment, managing risks, and complying with legal and regulatory requirements. […]

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Warehouse Safety Tips for a Safer Workplace

Safety is a vital aspect of any business that operates in a warehouse environment. Warehouse safety refers to the measures and practices that are implemented to protect the health and well-being of warehouse workers, as well as the property and equipment in warehousing. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, annual fatality rates in the warehousing sector are continuing to increase. From 2021 to 2022, rates rose from 46 fatalities per 100 full-time workers to 50. Warehouse safety continues to be a major problem for organizations and the need for greater risk mitigation is more prevalent than ever. […]

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A Comprehensive Guide to Root Cause Analysis

Root Cause Analysis (RCA) is a systematic and rigorous process that helps you to find and solve the underlying causes of problems in your organization. In this comprehensive guide, you will learn what RCA is, why it matters, and how to perform it in five easy steps. […]

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A Guide on Biological Hazards: Types, Examples, and How to Mitigate Them

Biological hazards, also known as biohazards, are any biological substance that poses a threat to the health of living organisms, primarily humans. poisons, bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites. Numerous health consequences, ranging from mild skin irritation to serious infections and even cancer, can result from exposure to biological risks.

Learn more about biohazards and how to prevent risk with this blog post. […]

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Inspection Management Software Solutions: Build or Buy?

To guarantee quality, safety, and compliance in a variety of sectors, inspection management software is an essential tool. It assists with automating processes, managing corrective actions, data collection, report generation, and workflow streamlining. However, many enterprises struggle with which direction is better: purchasing a pre-built solution from a vendor or creating your own unique one. To help you choose the best solution for your needs, we will weigh the advantages and disadvantages of each option in this blog post. […]

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4 Tips to Preventing Non-Conformances

Non-conformances are deviations from established standards, procedures, or specifications that can affect the quality, safety, or compliance of your business. In this blog post, you will learn the different types of non-conformances, how to prevent them effectively, and how Certainty Software can help you streamline your quality management system. […]

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How to Encourage Near Miss Reporting

In the realm of workplace safety, ‘near misses’ hold untapped potential. They’re the breadcrumbs leading us to safer, more efficient operations. Discover how to increase your workplace’s quantity and quality of near miss reports. […]

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4 Takeaways from the 2023 Safeopedia Safety Connect Virtual Conference

Last week, Certainty Software had the privilege of sponsoring and exhibiting at the 2023 Safety Connect Virtual Conference & Expo hosted by Safeopedia. This marked another year of our participation in this remarkable event, and as always, it was an enlightening experience. While we set out to help conference attendees gain a deeper understanding of […]

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