Certainty Blog

TPRM in Manufacturing: Strengthening Business Resilience and Supply Chain Integrity

Third-party risk management (TPRM) is a critical imperative for the manufacturing industry, as it can help mitigate potential risks associated with third-party relationships, such as quality issues, delivery delays, regulatory non-compliance, cybersecurity breaches or reputational damage. In this blog post, we will discuss the key components, benefits and best practices of an effective TPRM program, and how Certainty Software can help you streamline your TPRM processes and improve your vendor performance and compliance. […]

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Improving Occupational Safety With the Bradley Curve

The Bradley Curve is a framework that illustrates the relationship between safety culture and operational performance. It shows how improving safety culture leads to better outcomes in other aspects of performance, such as quality, efficiency, and profitability. In this blog post, we will delve into the fundamentals of the Bradley Curve, exploring its significance, applications, and how it can help businesses streamline their operations. […]

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Managing the Regulatory Requirements of Supplier Sustainability Due Diligence in Global Supply Chains

Discover how global corporations can effectively manage the regulatory requirements of supplier sustainability due diligence in complex global supply chains. Explore strategies for compliance, collaborative engagement, and continuous improvement. Learn how cloud-based software solutions can streamline the process, empowering organizations to drive positive change and shape a sustainable future. […]

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Fire Extinguisher Inspection: The Ultimate Guide for the Workplace

Fire extinguisher inspections are crucial for maintaining workplace safety and compliance with fire codes and standards. They involve checking the condition and functionality of fire extinguishers on a regular basis using proper procedures and tools. In this ultimate guide, we will explain everything you need to know about fire extinguisher inspections and how to perform them with ease and confidence using Certainty Software. […]

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Poka Yoke – The Ultimate Guide to Error Prevention

Error prevention is crucial in today’s industries, and Poka Yoke emerges as a powerful methodology to achieve it. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the origins, principles, and practical applications of Poka Yoke, showcasing real-life examples and highlighting the benefits of implementation. Explore how Certainty Software supports Poka Yoke initiatives, streamlining error prevention processes and driving continuous improvement. […]

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How Bill S-211 Could Affect Your Business and Supply Chain Management

Canada has recently passed Bill S-211, a new law that aims to fight against forced labour and child labour in supply chains. The law imposes reporting obligations on government institutions and certain private entities that produce or import goods into Canada or that control entities that do so. In this blog post, you will learn how the law could affect your business and your supply chain management, and how to prepare for the new requirements and opportunities. […]

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